Saturday, July 10, 2010

Announcement re: Region model

The current transition period in the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry is making more difficult our attempts at the “regional model” of supporting youth and young adult ministry in the Archdiocese. This being the case, we are moving away from that model at this time. As we move forward, we will continue to support your efforts in youth and young adult ministry within a different structure.

If you have feedback about how we can do that, please utilize the survey that was sent out recently to do so.

Blessings to you this summer.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Faith on Fire, Youth and Family Conference, August 20-22, St. Mary Anacortes

Please check out the flyer and registration information for the "Faith on Fire" Youth and Family Conference hosted by St. Mary in Anacortes on August 20-22.

It features both local and national presenters:
Bishop Joseph Tyson
Fr. Vu Tran
Sr. Miriam Heidlund
Angus McDonell
Steve Ray
Tim Staples

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010-2011 Dates

Youth Ministers Fall Gathering: September 9th at the Palisades. We are in the process of finalizing the speaker but the focus will be on family ministry and engaging families in youth ministry.

Youth Convention: November 6th and 7th at Bellevue College. Look for your brochures to be available at the Fall Gathering on September 9th.

Junior High Rally: March 5th at Highline Community College

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat: May 31-June 2 at Far-a-way Retreat Center.

Visit for more information about any of these events.

Monday, June 7, 2010

WEBINAR: "Building up the RCIA" sponsored by PNCEA

The Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association (PNCEA) was founded by the Paulist Fathers in 1977 to equip Catholics to evangelize.

Join PNCEA for a free webinar:"Invitation to Conversation: Building up the RCIA"with Rev. Frank DeSiano, CSP

Tuesday, June 15, 2010, at 3pm EDT

Register for this event now

Or view a video invitation and register from our website.

All you need to participate is an internet connection and computer speakers or headset.

Audio also available by phone connection (toll charges will apply).

Download webinar handout in color or in black and white.

Write to with questions.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program, Year One, 2011

Here are the dates for CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program for Year One, which will take place in 2011.

March 12-13, 2011~~~Evangelization & Catechesis~~~Tom East
April 9-10, 2011~~~Prayer & Worship~~~Susan Searle
September 24-25, 2011~~~Justice & Service~~~Joan Weber
November 19-20, 2011~~~Pastoral Care~~~Sr. Carolyn Coll, RSM

For more information,
OYYAM Contact: Britta Folden @ (206) 382-2010 or
Information from the Center for Ministry Development

Monday, May 17, 2010


Upcoming (FREE) Webinar Opportunities for NACYML Members

Saying 'Amen' to Lay Ecclesial Ministry - May 25, 2010, 4-5pm ET
Bishop Matthew Clark will be giving a forty-five minute presentation on lay ecclesial ministry and fifteen minutes for Q&A.

Visit the webinar website for more information and to register. Space is limited.

Peace in the Holy Land: New Possibilities - May 26, 2010, 2-3pm ET
This Catholics Confront Global Poverty webcast explores the prospect for peace and how Catholics can make a difference.

RSVP to participate in this webinar! Space is limited so act now!

Youth & Young Adults and Mental Illness - June 10, 2010, 1-2pm ET
Webinar with Robert McCarty, DMin and Paul Myers, PhD

(see previous blog on May 10, 2010 for link to flyer)

Monday, May 10, 2010

ACCY Gathering/Commissioning - June 5th TO BE RESCHEDULED FOR FALL

The gathering and commissioning of regional ACCY to take place at the Chancery on Saturday, June 5, 2010 is not going to happen. Instead, we are going to do this in the fall. Please contact Tauno Latvala at with questions or more details.